ar on multiple i guess

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Your Steam/In-game Name: richard sunby
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: dont know some were panda ,moon
His/Her SteamID: no clue
Why Should This Player Be Punished: So they put music with their microphone so we wont be able to hear the bobybin , so realistic , the guys who were raiding with failed to report that so i guess they are guilty of not reporting it?Anyway beside that they shoot my friend who was unarmed at the time having pistol but not on her . anyway if u want accused guys upload ur point of view to see it .
Evidence (Demo Required):

tick 1000
Bro bro bro,we never shot any of you,@Dom_ wiped you both so if you think he violated any rules goodluck with staff complaint also i was the one playing music we were driving around with my music and when i went up the stairs they bobbied so i turned it off regardless that wouldn't change the outcome of the raid keep being salty lets see how far that would get you.
I was there too , I was only crafting at workbench and unarmed I was killed being unarmed even I am pretty sure you're noice was to make no sound with the bobbypin because you stopped when they opened the door. I am salty sure with people like you that easily NLR multiple times.
I killed you and flicked round to see your friend stood behind a barricade and tapped her too, it was a reaction as I expected her to be ready considering you were ready aiming a gun at me, there was also a spotlight in the way and I thought she had a gun pulled.
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