AR on pussylounge XXX

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Thanov Devgru
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: I think bonquiqui mandela
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:154658662
Why Should This Player Be Punished: he shot me randomly for no reason.
Evidence (Demo Required):
let me start off by saying i was very nice letting him store his sniper before killing him i had my gun pulled out at the back off his head and waited for him to store his new bought sniper.......

however the reason i killed you is because you purposly drove over my friend (rhys mistry) better known as dylan fielding....

you drove into him risking oyur own life and a jail sentence of 10/10 because he called you a ''faggot''

another point i want to be cleared out is that you have bee nvery disrespectfull to me in ooc chat:`
[OOC] Jossyl: no he is a silly cunt that rdmd me you fat shit

OOC] Jossyl: your fucking gay
OOC] Jossyl: I spend my last money and he rdm me how would you feel fucking cunt

OOC] Jossyl: no fuck off

[OOC] Jossyl: bonquiqui fucking kut kaaskop = dutch for bonquiqui fucking cunt cheesehead = cheesehead is a racial slur for dutch people mainly used by belgians

i believe im not the one breaking rules in this situation.... the person tried to kill my friend i took revenge for that also killing my friend was uneseccary and dumb i think this person here broke 2.5 and 1.1 also 1.3

adding another situation where you just killed me for saying your mother has bad smell...... killing me for that is a bit exsesive tbh also you did it inside of the pd
nobody saw me killing him so that means using third party or failrp
btw he took his baseball bat to hit me so I had every reason to kill him :)
Yeah I told my org when u ran me over (didn’t kill me btw) and then I and them were on lookout for u as you ran me over for calling u a faggot and nearly killed me doing so
do you have proof, a video where you can show your statement.
@DB KILLER Alright, and I m not mad at you or anything cuz its in-game okay? but sure please show me. If it happens to be true then I accept the fact that bonquiqui killed me but if you can't, I want him punished simple as that.
[The Purps - Recruit] Rhys Mistry: KOS Thanov
[The Purps - Soldier] Bonquiqui Mandela: reason?
[The Purps - ISIS member] Leonard Mayfair: why and where
[OOC] Firuz132: What is this random ass lag
[The Purps - Recruit] Rhys Mistry: he ran me over
[The Purps - Recruit] Rhys Mistry: black lambo
$20 - $8 (income tax) from your unemployment check has been deposited into your bank account.

evidence of rhys

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lol me banned? your funny. I accept the reason and i'm not going to argue any further, btw your the one calling me "kanker belg" wich means = cancer belgian and much more so if I was you I would just stop saying shit because your going to be the reason for your own ban ;). have a nice day :-)
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