AR on Rhys Sob

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Reaction score
Great Britain
Major :beef: Warning

Your Steam/In-game Name
: Allen / Allen Kennedy
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Rhys :) / Rhys Sob
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:111610641

Why Should This Player Be Punished: [3.4] [2.5] [3.24]
So me and some guys raided subs 11, we killed one cunt, and mugged another. The property owner, the one we killed, disconnected a minute or so after. I ranted a bit in voice about what a nob he was, and said I was going to make a report, so I went into the bathroom with my shotgun in my hand, and started typing the report reason, (albeit a pretty shit one tbf) At this point, Rhys Nob Sob decides to walk inside, and start beating me to death with a baseball bat, while I had my shotgun out.
[3.4] If a man is holding a shotgun in his hands, do you start hitting him with a bat? No.
[2.5] He had literally no reason to want to kill me besides taking my shotgun.
[3.24] He bloody obviously heard my voice rant about making a report, and thought 'Oh I can kill him while he's typing, noice.'

Additional Comments:
He has literally just been unbanned as well.
His stupidity caused him to be gatted down unnecessarily, resulting in the rest of my raider party getting raped by police, when otherwise, they wouldn't have drawn any more attention by having to shoot this moron in the first place.

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