AR on Sean B

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Benji Feral / BigBenji
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sean B Scotlands finest. @Ezza I think this is?
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 and 2.5: Baiting police by shooting near our property, then fired at an officer outside our property for no real reason, leading to officers jumping to the conclusion that we were shooting instead of investigated and being raided by PLPD's "finest". Idk if the kid pushed 1 too many legos up his nose today or something but as far as I'm aware he had no valid reason to shoot at officers and was generally being a minge.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Ethan being shot by sean
Demo footage of Sean shooting cops for no reason
about 10 mins ish previous i was illegally detained and was attempting to get my own baxk, why the fuck the cops raided and shot you i do not know, but im very sorry, at no point did i mean to get them to raid you, intensions were for me to kill a few after having my rights broken, and they suspected i molotoved them leading to my action so i didnt get jail time, i didnt realise exactly how many cops were outside at the time, again sorry they raided you or what ever but was never my intension for them to raid you also hence why i drove my car and shot them to try get them to come after me not you.
you don't "get your own back" against cops, as you're massively risking your life for some petty shit, especially when you were only "illegally detained"
you don't "get your own back" against cops, as you're massively risking your life for some petty shit, especially when you were only "illegally detained"
for a serious crime which i did comit before and then re arrested, i dont see where the issue stands besides Benji being fucked up by the cops.

@Ezza you can't just "Get your own back" cause you was illegally detained we have things in place like aka (IA complaints) you risked your life by shooting at officers for no reason at all in light of this you will get a small ban of 1 day as you have had a recent warning for breaking 3.4
Reviewed @GraveDinosaur & @Gimic
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