Ar on ShadowTheGuy

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Bertie*TRADING* / Bertie Bennett
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ShadowTheGuy / Cody Lapork
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56571406
Why Should This Player Be Punished: (for some reason my mic wasn't working on shadowplay, but they could hear me ingame). So basically I arrived at church because an apparently a raid was going on. Once I arrived I saw him pull out a firearm, so I cuff him (he tried to resist) and searched him, he refused twice, the last time he said he'd allow me to search him, but his friends try to kill me whilst the pop-up menu was on his screen. He would've only got his weapon confiscated and a 3k ticket.

At most I would've given him a $3000 ticket and taken his gun

// Honestly I'm too lazy to get my full demo, because @Shaun was there at the time.

Evidence (Demo Required):
If the arrested guy would actually just have get a ticket or a jail sentence of under 7 years, they would've broken 3.4 for attempting to murder you to save a friend which would get a pretty low jail sentence or just a ticket. The user being arrested broke 2.1 for refusing to get searched while being in handcuffs (which would basically be impossible). (I know that he consented after 2 times) Overall a +support from me.
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@Ludus - just tagging Bobby Brackins.

I am going to be supporting this AR as they did break 3.4 for trying to kill you over their friend getting a ticket and loosing their weapon. The guy who was refusing to be searched did also break rules but I'm not sure what rule he broke, not sure whether it's 2.1 or not. Bobby brackins ooc and steam name is Ludus++ or Ludus as he is a former friend of mine and one of the reasons why I'm not friends with him anymore is because he kept breaking rules like 3.4 causing us to get raided.

Cody will receive a warning for 3.26 by not consenting to a search while handcuffed.
Bobby will receive a 3 day ban for 3.4 by attempting to kill an officer over a confiscation & ticket.
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