AR on ShadowTyler (Tyler Anderson

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Straight outta Racxes pedophile basement
Your Steam/In-game Name: Illuminathan | Sean Mellor
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ShadowTyler | Tyler Anderson
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94558469
Why Should This Player Be Punished: User picked up a weapon during a gunfight.
Evidence (Demo Required):
I don't see the full on issue in this situation to be honest, you're focusing on someone else, he thought he would have time to do so and then use the gun against you, realistically he would've killed you.
I don't see the full on issue in this situation to be honest, you're focusing on someone else, he thought he would have time to do so and then use the gun against you, realistically he would've killed you.
But as you see there was being shots fired, he was unarmed in a raid which is a high risk. And it would be much better making sure that he is safe to pick it up because as you see he was shot down as soon he tried to equip it.
But as you see there was being shots fired, he was unarmed in a raid which is a high risk. And it would be much better making sure that he is safe to pick it up because as you see he was shot down as soon he tried to equip it.
thats wasnt raid actually the thing it was logan and his friend was standing front of p3 and u can see logan AR they was planning to raid p4 and one of the members just killed them

After closely reviewing the footage, @ShadowTyler did pick up the gun after @Illuminathan was aiming at him, so ShadowTyler really should have waited longer until he could have gotten further out of Illuminathan's line of sight before attempting to pick up the gun or waited longer until one of ShadowTyler's teammates killed Illuminathan.

User will not be warned for 3.4 but rather should view this as a verbal warning for 3.4.​
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