AR on Smith Cary and Jason Grice

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name:
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Smith Cary / Jason Grice
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13584348 / STEAM_0:1:7436272

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.12 Assassinated the mayor without a good reason, the mayor agreed when they asked for the taxes to be lowered and we were heading to CH to lower them.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: N/A
Sorry for a late response, have been dealing with exams lately. Well, it looked at least for me that they were just trying to get out of bazzar as the mayor was just saying "eh I will heavily think about it, yes, maby, yes yes" while his SS were telling him multiple times to say yes. It just looked like they were trying not to get killed and escaping then just not lower the taxes. I will admit we could probably been waiting a bit longer. I might have done a mistake and ill happily apologize if that's so.
Sorry for a late response, have been dealing with exams lately. Well, it looked at least for me that they were just trying to get out of bazzar as the mayor was just saying "eh I will heavily think about it, yes, maby, yes yes" while his SS were telling him multiple times to say yes. It just looked like they were trying not to get killed and escaping then just not lower the taxes. I will admit we could probably been waiting a bit longer. I might have done a mistake and ill happily apologize if that's so.

This is quite silly. The mayor quite clearly said yes. You killed him outside city hall in where he was changing the taxes.

an apology isn't enough considering both of you are long time users and ruined the mayor RP for 3 players!!!

The mayor made it quite clear at the bazaar he was going to lower taxes and he did drive to City Hall to go lower the taxes but he was still shot.
Both users will receive a 1-week ban for their actions.​
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