AR on Smith Cary

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Your Steam/In-game Name: ♫JarredInator♫ / Jarred Donerino

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: how do I quickscope? / Smith Cary

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13584348

Why Should This Player Be Punished: User purposely ignored my gunpoint by breaking 3.24 (saying I cannot do what I was doing) By this he broke 3.4 and 3.6 as he caused his own death due to his purpose refusal to follow my orders.

I also believe that Maciej Roslak broke 3.4 as he tried to gun me down whilst police was right next to me, resulting in his death. However as I don't have this POV this is just an assumption.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: N/A

My plan was to get him inside the alley to then rob him. I would deal with the NPC's (If they even saw anything) afterwards. It would've been a quick and smooth move so little attention would be drawn.
I do believe, there was a new rule accorded about: You cant mug infront of DD. My understanding: You cant mug in any situation infront of DD. If I understood it bad, Im sorry for breaking GP rule and the 3.4. My actions were clearly situatited under my understanding. My apologizes if I was wrong.
[DOUBLEPOST=1479675262,1479674184][/DOUBLEPOST]Well, I believed if im going to tell him LOOC he is not allowed to do that, he will stop. Im was still according to my understanding about that DD thingy. Also I understand im was supposed to do report, but im wasnt thinking bright by that time because I panicked a bit.

Also sorry for not writing under the reply I did. Im on phone and the feature isnt added there.

@JarredInator and @How do i quickscope? will be banned for violating the server rules.

It is forbidden to mug players in front of a npc and that includes the drug dealer, you should also not gun point someone in the middle of the street with the intention to bring them into a alley and then mug them. There were also two npcs inside jennifer's that you failed to take into consideration.

@How do i quickscope?
Just because someone is breaking rules does not give you permission to stall a roleplay situation, you should report the rulebreak when possible and continue the roleplay situation.​
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