AR On sweatergawd

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Maneti Chao
Your Steam/In-game Name: Tinky/Tinky Starksy

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sweatergawd/Matthaus Gonzalves

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:486152040

Why Should This Player Be Punished:2.5 Camped drug dealer with a weapon just to kill me

Evidence (Demo Required):
Since Matt is unable to recover his forum account, let me defend him based on your evidence. Camping the drug dealer is a very common tactic to mug players. The whole point of openly carrying a gun when selling drugs is to prevent yourself from being mugged and losing your drugs/cash instead you would just lose your pistol. So it appears what happened here is exactly what you were going for by having your pistol out while selling drugs. If you would not have had your pistol out, you would have been mugged instead of killed. Again, people including yourself purposely sell drugs with a weapon equipped because forcing someone to kill you and just losing a gun is seen as a way better alternative to being mugged and losing all of your drugs, money, and items.

I don't understand why you are putting in an AR when you got exactly what you were going for. You rounded the corner with your gun drawn, killing you is the logical reaction for him to have.

Sweatergawds intentions from what I can see were to mug and he should have at least attempted to gunpoint Tinky to get him to drop his gun as opposed to KOSing him.

@Slick Willy when it comes to mugging people in that location an attempt to gain compliance should be made. Tinky wouldn't have to follow this gunpoint, but your friend had an AK and therefor had a huge advantage over Tinky to begin with. Despite it being a DD location you're allowed to mug people at, just know its still within eye and earshot of a main road and populated area and people are bound to immediately know there's been a shooting there.

No formal action will be taken against STEAM_0:0:486152040 due to somewhat understandable circumstances however.​
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