AR on Ethan

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Reaction score
Maneti Chao
Your Steam/In-game Name: Tinky/Tinky Starksy
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: arnold's left calf / Son Slaughter
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55480733
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 2.5 by shooting me when I wasnt a threat to him or any of his buddies + I didnt do anything for him to have a reason to kill me except going outside my house.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N
I was raiding and you ran out your base, your had phone in your hand and I thought it was pistol. Shouldn't run towards a raid and mistakes wouldnt happen.
You had a good few seconds to look at me and realize it's not a pistol and to not shoot me + you blackscreened me right after. Running out of my base has nothing to do with ur raid on another property. Even if I had something to do you cant just shoot me, you gotta gunpoint me first and gotta have a reason to kill me
I insta blacked you, wdym? I didn't see have a good few seconds at all, I saw you come from behind the car with something in your hands. You knew we were raiding as we can hear someone in org TS speaking about it. Why did you break 3.4 and walk up to an active raid if you had no intention of taking part of the situation?
@Ethan I was leaving our house. I was on org TS to someone inside my house, not the one you were raiding. Even if I was you cant straight up shoot me. Gotta gunpoint first.
You have just proven my point that you broke 3.4. You knew there was a raid in progress yet you decide to come out and investigate? If you had no intention of interfering that's 3.4.

As I already stated I thought the phone in your hand was a pistol, if you had followed 3.4 then you wouldn't have died :)
I was leaving my house, not to help the people. Just left my house. No plans on hurting anyone. You looked at me for 2 seconds and saw my "pistol" was a phone and still shot without even gping me telling me something. I didnt give you a reason to shoot me, you did.
You broke 2.5. Deal with it.
@Ethan my phone doesnt look like a pistol. Pistol is held in the right hand. Phone in the left. Phone is much lower than pistol
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