Ar on Tadgee

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Straight outta Racxes pedophile basement
Your Steam/In-game Name: Illuminathan | Jessamy Hudson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Tadgee | Tadgee Rankins
His/Her SteamID: Unknown
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, 3.6 - Failed to follow gunpoint. Ran off at gunpoint, dropped a bomb and got himself killed. He only managed to kill a civilian nearby (@Marcus Hudson)
Evidence (Demo Required):
So I killed TFU and hid in that shop then I came out with no gun as I thought nobody was there so didn't go with a gun out. Went out TFU gunpointed me and I had a bomb on me so I thought I might aswell use it. Used it then shot a cop. Now that I look at his POV was pretty retarded of me to do so feel free to take action against me as can't justify that to be fair
I’m the officer that can be seen standing by the crosswalk, it was a clear and direct gunpoint, with Illuminathan giving him clear orders to stop, in my opinion it was a very stupid act, even with/without the bomb it would have ended badly for him as there was a TFU Officer with an M4 and myself with a Glock 17, myself and the TFU having armour and him with just some sort of sidearm to fend off us both as well as the other officer ( @McYeke ) who was down the other end of the road but I believe wouldn’t take long to drive his car up the road and help us.

Tadgee also said in his response that he didn’t think anybody was there, the entire (3-4 meter long?) window wasn’t boarded up and could see us both, he should have continued to hide.

Clear break of 3.4 and would have only survived if he complied with the TFU Officer.
So I killed TFU and hid in that shop then I came out with no gun as I thought nobody was there so didn't go with a gun out. Went out TFU gunpointed me and I had a bomb on me so I thought I might aswell use it. Used it then shot a cop. Now that I look at his POV was pretty retarded of me to do so feel free to take action against me as can't justify that to be fair
You had a Deagle on you which you tried to shoot us with :p
Yeah i shot a cop im pretty sure but I didn't go out with it in attack mode or passive thats what i mean
@Illuminathan did he even hit you because I didn’t get hit?

And @Tadgee whether you came out with it in attack or passive is irrelevant, you still risked your life by failing to comply under gunpoint, not to mention you placing the bomb.
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@Tadgee will receive a warning for his actions.​
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