Ar on @teby

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Straight outta Racxes pedophile basement
Your Steam/In-game Name: Lizzie Duke | Illuminathan
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: REDACTED
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Killed the mayor without giving him any warning. (This is something new, staff have started to enforce, multiple bans and warning have been given for it.)
Evidence (Demo Required): Don't think you need other than this?

I will retype it for you.
There is NO rule that tells me that I, Hero need to give the Mayor a warning before killing him, Super confirmed that and he is a Moderator and I talked to Atomic_wizard which used to be a Moderator on the server that we're both playing on, and he also said that. but I will let staff deal with that.
[DOUBLEPOST=1513770874,1513735409][/DOUBLEPOST]The reason I didn't give him a warning was because if I'll give him a warning It's like giving him a chance to hide in the pd or lock himself somewhere else, and I have checked the rule 3.12 and it did not say anything about a "warning", so it wasn't really my fault that staff / owners / developers did not add this to the Rules, I'm not supposed to just magically know that I need to give a warning before killing the Mayor, it's supposed to be in the rules.

For an example(just example, not real), staff started to enforce something that isn't in the rules and nobody knows about it, when you're under a gunpoint and the guy that gp's you is looking away at the door or something like that you cannot kill him, even if you already have a fierarm on you.

Generally, a sincere effort should be made to reason with the Mayor, before attempting any risky actions. However. this AR doesn't really show enough to take an action on.​
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