AR on Travis

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Sorle/Acacio Ross
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ! [A] Travis/Travis Trump
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:179938847
Why Should This Player Be Punished: User broke 3.4 by ignoring my direct gunpoint and proceeding to pull a gun, after I'd had him gunpointed for a few seconds proving my intentions were not to simply kill him. Caused me to lose a Mac11 with a red dot and a compensator and the Remington 870 I was going to get via mugging him, and it also caused my friend to get 10 years in jail and a 10k ticket.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
Whisper mode + there's no guarantee someone would've called. No police saw me with the gun or saw me making entry into the shop, therefore it can't be argued as a guarantee. However, without that, it is a guarantee to keep everything on the way out.
Don't see how this justifies your actions, instead only further solidifying the wrongdoings. You acknowledge my gun raised in your face and stated yourself in that AR, raise it because you "don't know what I'm going to do". At that stage, if I wanted to shoot you, you would've been dead already, as I had you under gunpoint for a few seconds prior.
Don't see how this justifies your actions, instead only further solidifying the wrongdoings. You acknowledge my gun raised in your face and stated yourself in that AR, raise it because you "don't know what I'm going to do". At that stage, if I wanted to shoot you, you would've been dead already, as I had you under gunpoint for a few seconds prior.
Read my notations, and you'll understand where you messed up in that "mugging", when GP'ing I must acknowledge that and you must start it in a non-public place, you started the GP outside the store, literally breaking the mugging rule. You understand that I had no time to react to what you were doing and JUST asked you to leave me alone not knowing you had me under GP. Be clear next time. I was willing to take that gun out again ANYWAYS as I wanted to keep it ready at all times, which is why it was held it before I went into the store and after. That wasn't a response to your gunpoint rather a planned action and that is VERY CLEAR as I literally had a fraction of a second to react to the gunpoint, which isn't enough to make a genuine response to the so-called threat you posed. Also, you left the door open. Exposing yourself to the lots of cops outside, putting YOUR own life at risk. Following me around to ensure my gun is taken isn't a reason to find any excuse to justify that. It's wrong, it's harassment, it's 2.5. It is hypocritical to follow me around and take my Deagle before and block me from my props that you know I can't get as there was no admin online and then start blaming the person you're harassing for you losing your stuff. That was entirely YOUR fault for following me around and intentionally targetting me. It was your fault for leaving the door open and your fault for starting the mugging in a public setting with officers around. Most importantly it was your fault for not starting the mugging in a proper way and not having me informed its a mugging. Maybe then I wouldn't have raised my gun as a planned action.That is why I said I didn't know what you were going to do, a planned action because you never made it clear you want to mug me.
I raised my gun into attack stance whilst in the shop + not being informed that it was a mugging is not an excuse to react to gunpoint by pulling a gun from your back into passive mode unless you have conclusive evidence to say that I'm 100% trying to kill you, which you'd have no way of obtaining.

This was purposefully not included in the warning reason because there's nothing wrong with it lmfao. Even if there was, that's no excuse to break another rule in response, under rule 2.6.

You're purposefully trying to address my alleged "wrongdoing" during this mug instead of your blatant wrongdoing, because you're unable to come to terms with the fact that you're wrong, and writing essays will get you nowhere.
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I raised my gun into attack stance whilst in the shop + not being informed that it was a mugging is not an excuse to react to gunpoint by pulling a gun from your back into passive mode unless you have conclusive evidence to say that I'm 100% trying to kill you, which you'd have no way of obtaining.

Stop pulling excuses out of your ass and accept your wrongdoing because you're acting like a fucking mug
I'd like to ask you to be respectful and follow the forum rules. You clearly don't understand what I just posted either. Your gun was raised into attack stance WAY before you entered the shop too. You also have to understand that pulling my gun out AS I SAID wasn't a reaction to your gunpoint rather a planned action. If I wanted to dig up an excuse of you wanting to kill me, I'd say you literally punched me down to a red screen and stole my deagle right before that. Isn't that a reason to believe you want to kill me? Be logical. That is why I said this is part of a bigger problem.
@Evil Travis Sorle did not gunpoint you into the property from a public setting and began gunpointing you from in your doorway with the intention to mug you behind closed doors, and therefore was not going to mug you in the view of the public.
Had sorle gunpointed you in a public place, eg, outside of the shop and forced you inside then that would be a breach of 5.1 however this was not the case as i have explained.

Furthermore, regardless of the situation or rules you believe another user has broken, you are never justified in breaking a rule yourself, in this case 3.4, you clearly pulled a weapon and attempted to run behind cover while under gunpoint and this ultimately didnt work out well for you.
@Evil Travis will receive a warning for 3.4.
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