ar on unknown he didnt tell me his name

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Alejandro rojas
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: dont know he refused to tell in ooc , dont have esp
His/Her SteamID: dont know
Why Should This Player Be Punished:I think on my opinion he killed me for no reason , i was just standing outside of his window i had gun on my back most of the time though i had not initiated a raid or something yet i was about to as soon as the rest were coming
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Hi thats me

im sorry if i did something wrong, for me it looked very obvious that u wanted to raid me, especially after calling somebody to assist u in the raid and when i saw that u walked to the car after checking my property to get a UMP smg

its the first time i have a wood cabin with alot of windows, first i wanted to block them off, but then i removed it so it doesnt look like anybody lives there

next time i will handle the situation different... after rethinking my actions it would have been better if i told u to put ur hands up
i wanted to do that first, but my heart was beating so much, i dont know why

also, ur weapon is save, because i threw it away in the trunk of my van with my hands, and u disconnected like 5 minutes after i shot u
so the only person that lost something in the end, a deagle, is me - i got killed by ur friend soon after

and sorry for not seeing the ooc chat, i would have answered but it was too late already when u left... at this time i was still in the shootout and focused very hard

again i want to apologize for everything i may have done wrong !
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