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Your Steam/In-game Name: Moon/Jack Bingo

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown (please check who wylde crashed into)

His/Her SteamID: Unknown

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.22

So all im aware of is that "Wylde" the officer that owns the cop crashed into someone but how can he crash into someone if hes following the speedlimit of course and have way more than enough time to brake and also i dont think the car was disabled so maybe he decided to just leave it there? Well Lets see (as i dont have the full prespective cause i werent there at the time maybe Wylde can provide his pov cause i believe the guy he crashed into drove on the wrong side of the highway lane.)

Evidence (Demo Required):

Look at the cop car merging on the right lane probs because the car he crashed into and look on the second car which is complete turned on the wrong side of the highway which i assume thats the car he crashed into and it still doesnt make any sense to me what exactly happened there and if that already happened why wont you close the highway instead of chilling there laughing with people

I'd like to see wylde demo prespective to see if the guy did drive on the wrong side or not

Because it doesnt make sense to me how couldnt he avoid crashing into him if he follows the speedlimit and not have enough time to brake unless the guy drove on the wrong side of the highway lane and i also wonder if your car was startable or maybe even turned on
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