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Reaction score
  • Your Steam/In-game Name: ^FlyingKeBaB

  • His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jossyl / Zac Ferdolini

  • Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.20 Disconnecting from the server
I was arresting him for recklessly driving and trying to run me over, and he suddenly said Im gonna disconnect now and I told him not too since he was being arrested, but he still did it.​

  • Evidence (Demo Required):
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I had constant lag spikes wich you can check, I tried joining multiple times while my internet was getting lost the whole time.
Because I'm so helpful i made a transcript for the deaf, since mouth movements in perp are still fucked.

No I’m gonna leave.
No if you go on with this I'm going to leave.
Nope! Don’t think so.
Oh shit I'm getting lag though... its getting worse and worse. I’m getting lag. Bye Marcus!
I’m getting lag Marcus, i can’t hold it. Its getting worse and worse.
I just want to post my encounter with Zac earlier in the day. I have no footage other than a demo of this but I caught him stabbing a medic to death outside PD for an invalid reason, He claimed he killed the medic because the medic was punching his friend. After tazeing him after he ran around like a headless chicken I put him in cuffs. Now, when I was taking him down he said he was gonna leave in a sarcastic way by saying something along the lines of "It would be a shame if my internet went out wouldn't it" It was like 2am so I was too tired to speak but I did say "You will regret it if you wish to play on the server" or something like that. I later put him in jail after a bit of verbal abuse.

He killed a medic outside PD for a poor reason (Law wise)
When I finally got him in cuffs he said "It would be a shame if my internet went down" something like that anyways
I have no footage just demo
You were connected for about 3 hours before you randomly “timed out”. I believe this was more than a coincidence

@Tchami will receive a 2 day ban for this.
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