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Your Steam/In-game Name:Capmajor/Jeremy Lane
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
(Don't know the steam name or ID)Sky Joelski/3.5,3.24(Started talking about reporting us and about their deaths when we spoke to them in their new life.)Maybe 4.1
(Don't know ID) Nathan/Tyler Joelski/Maybe 4.1(Don't know which one did it, but one of them told the police that I went up to them with knives which led to the police showing up and taking my gun, however sky did tell the officers one they got there that we had knives on us)

Evidence (Demo Required):
(Don't know why it's 360p)
As I was responding to the scene with @A1L, our information was that two individuals at RC impound lot had knives and threatened roadcrew.
This information did not match up at all, no knives were found, only a firearm. (A1L might remember the type)

Despite wrong information, we still had to do our job, however it was up to A1L whether or not he wanted to confiscate the item in question and/or give you a ticket for the offense. The offense being illegal transport.

It is true however that RC count as government employees, and are counted as solid evidence. This in mind, they may NEVER lie to officers, therefore whoever lied to officers about knives should be punished accordingly.

Here's the full information on both individuals.



I suggest a stern speaking to, and a refund of the items lost, the search of both persons would not have happened should different and correct information have been provided.
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Ok so Ski Joelsky reported the knife thing, i just said you was harassing us to the police who arrived at the Roadcrew Station, And when reporting me for 4.1 please provide evidence.

Ski Joelsky does not have the forums i will try and get him to make an account.

- Tyler Joelski
I said "maybe 4.1" as I didn't know who actually did it, at least you confirmed it.
He said that He has no excuse to his actions as he is a new player to the community and the serious roleplay environment. He denied the allegation for 4,1 on him, me and him also pointed out the fact you didnt report for friend for 3.24 and 3.30 for talking about NLR and said his name.
For the incident when he called the police for knifes he saw the keys thinking they was knifes, he apologies for all the actions he had done
I don't believe that as it is pretty easy to tell the difference between a knife and keys especially after we were talking for a while.
@Tyler J Make sure your friend (Sky) reads this or pass on the information. I don't really buy into what you said about mixing up the keys with knives seeing as you two as RC workers were also carrying them. Additionally, the whole interaction involved a lot of OOC talk about previous lives etc., which is obviously against the rules. I will try and find Sky IG next and talk to him myself.
@Capmajor Your friend is also guilty of breaking character, I am not sure who he is, so if you could pass this on to him as well that would be great.

I will try and talk to some of the involved parties myself to make sure they understand the rules that were violated here (3.24, 4.1)

Feel free to make an RR for the gun that was confiscated.
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