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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name:
Pug / Lok Jing-Sheng
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Victoria Connor/Aperture
His/Her SteamID:
Im not sure
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
3.4 Player picked up drugs in front of my eyes, then when asked to drop she dropped leaves and not the coke. This delayed the situation massively and allowed for me and @Jamal to be flanked making him lose a fully decked out sako, along with me losing an m9 and the mp5. This also caused us to never get the coke that she harvested in front of me. This also stopped us from getting whatever else she had on her at the time
Evidence (Demo Required):

[LOOC] Aperture: I stored everything before you came
[Local] Victoria Connor: Drop what I store everything

Oh seriously crying for little things like that.
I hade some materials in my inventory (Materials does not to be dropped) , and I did a mistake I droped the leaves and not the cocain (didn't saw it directly) with the shootout I wasn't fast to drop it and then you died. By the way it's really childish to make a ban request for little things like that. For that thing that I said "stored" it was like money and some other materials that I stored before you came.
So If you need your money back because you lost your little stuffs I don't care I'll give you.

@Mvi13 will receive a warning for picking up the drugs whilst being raided/mugged, and the only thing you will be refunded is the drugs as there is no certainty that you wouldn't have been killed leaving beforehand.
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