M Messages 2,494 Reaction score 8,545 Points 340 May 29, 2016 #1 @Clocket @Sgt.James @Samuel Sheppard @FedorableTheSequel @Imperial Watch @Liersemann @Spadille
Eviction Notice Messages 1,273 Reaction score 3,664 Points 685 Location Sheffield, United Kingdom May 29, 2016 #3 I've been wanting to get into ArmA 3 RP, but got no one to guide me through it, any takers on that? p.s. bombs tend to kill peeps who are stood right next to them.
I've been wanting to get into ArmA 3 RP, but got no one to guide me through it, any takers on that? p.s. bombs tend to kill peeps who are stood right next to them.