ArmA 3: Operation Hillclimber

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So with a bit of inspiration and help from @Generic Twat I've been working on an arma 3 coop mission which I call Operation Hillclimber. The goal of the mission is to assault the island and take out an important military base from the OPFOR troops on the island. Although everything won't go as expected. Below is all the information the players will get before starting the mission.

As a first assault in our liberation of Altis, we have been assigned this mission by high command.

It will not be easy, let me tell you. You'll be landing on the beach and moving through the forested canyons along the hills to avoid being spotted. Prepare for ambushes, the forest is a perfect place for the OPFOR troops to ambush. It is currently unknown if they have units, guarding the coastline, but their recent behaviour has shown signs that they are aware of our presence. The airspace is being patrolled by enemy fast movers and we regulary see patrols walking around the coasts. It is however unknown if they have any camps. We have been unable to get any pictures so far.

When you arrive at the enemy compound, expect resistance. We predict there will be several enemy units and armored vehicles, including both tanks, artillery and anti air. It is however unknown how many. Expect the compound to be guarded by infanatry aswell. Watch your fire, we do have reports of civilians at the compound, being held against their will. We don't want any civilian casualties. Use your anti tank weaponry to take out any armor you see and only call for air support if absolutely needed. Blow up the remaining vehicles and buildings around the compound and return to the ship. And watch out for flanks. We do not know if they have response teams anywhere.

In case you are wondering which faction is carrying out these attacks, they are carried out in cooperation of the 66th Paralake Marines and the Paralake Fleet & Air Force (FAF). (yes i'm not very creative, deal with it)

You will spawn at the aircraft carrier which me and @Generic Twat has named the PLV Nixon in honor of the beloved @Prepper. Below is some pictures of the vessel with all it's aircrafts. Every aircraft you see is flyable and can be catapulted off the ship and every AI is playable. The carrier start was inspired by Generic's mission which can be found here.

I am almost done with the mission, however feel free to leave wishes for things you want added to the mission in the future or even give ideas for whole new tasks and I'll try my best to create them. I've already got a few people listed who have volunteered to test this mission however if you wish to, just send me a PM on steam or start a conversation with me. Depending on what squad you'll be in there will be few requirements.

For a normal firing squad, there is no real requirement except listen to your superior and don't be a minge. A firing squad consists of the following:
  • Squad Leader
  • Squad Second Leader (Rifleman)
  • Autorifleman
  • Grenadier
  • Rifleman
We will be using 2 full squads of these in the mission currently.

Next up is the special squads. Still no actual requirements except the ability to play properly and not minge around. There will be 3 special squads which will consist of:
  • Spotter
  • Sniper
  • Squad Leader
  • Paramedic
  • Paramedic
  • Squad Leader
  • Designator
  • AT Specialist
  • AT Assistant
Furthermore there will also be included planes and helicopters in the mission. For these there is requirements though. To be a jet pilot, the requirements are that you can fly a 1 manned plane and fight by yourself. It is also required that you can take off and land on the PLV Nixon. To land on this carrier, you have to be very precise in your approach angle to catch the wire. You'll be tested before the mission starts. The chopper is pretty much the same, however it is easier to land and take off. We will be using two 2 manned planes and a Blackfoot attack chopper, so in total there is space for 2 jet pilots, 2 co pilots, 1 chopper pilot and 1 gunner.

Again, PM me here or on steam if you wish to join and I'll sign you up. We have no date so far, howwever I will start a conversation with all who signs up when we have enough people.









I've already had quite a few people sign up for this and I'm very satisfied. We've got a good ammount of people here on the first day. Current roster and available positions:

Alpha 1-1 Firing Squad
- Platoon Commander = General KeiwaM(yes I'm selfish)
- Platoon Second Commander Rifleman = Lieutenant @TheFrozenMonkeyKing
- Rifleman = Private @Itzryzo
- Autorifleman = Private @Sdac2
- Grenadier = Private @Momo

Alpha 1-2 Firing Squad
- Squad Leader = CLOSED
- Squad Second Leader = CLOSED
- Rifleman = CLOSED
- Autorifleman = CLOSED
- Grenadier = CLOSED


Alpha 3-1 AT Squad
- Squad Leader = Sergeant @Skudist
- Designator = VACANT
- AT Specialist = Corporal @McYeke
- AT Assistant = Private @ErmakDimon

Alpha 4-1 Combat Life Saving Squad
- Squad Leader = Captain @Eviction Notice
- Paramedic = Corporal First Class @Allen Kennedy
- Paramedic = VACANT

Alpha 4-2 Sniper Squad
- Spotter = VACANT
- Sniper = Corporal @jjjackier


Shark 3-1 One Manned Jet Support

- Pilot = Aviator Senior Sergeant @Walker

Striker 4-1 Two Manned Jet Support
- Pilot = Colonel @Generic Twat
- Co-Pilot = Aviator Chief Sergeant @Smudger

Seagull 5-1 Attack Helicopter
- Pilot = Lieutenant Colonel @Taylor
- Gunner = Aviator Constable @Ash

As you can see there is still quite a few spaces open so don't hesitate to PM me.
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So a quick update on the mission.

It's pretty much done, only got a few fixes left to do which I'll fix within a few days. For people who are interested in a beta version, here's a link incluidng a full description on how to install the required mods. Don't worry, it won't take long.

I would like to thank the people who have singed up for joining in on this.

Although a few more people to join would really bennefit the mission. I'm hoping to at least fill up the AT squad. I have closed the second firing squad's positions as I wish to fill up the AT squad first since it'll REALLY be needed.

Beta Version
(!!! NOTICE !!! This is a beta version from a week ago and you might encounter alot of mistakes and bugs that have since been fixed, incluidng respawn, AI skill level and structural changes)
This isn't meant to be played throughoutly. This is meant for you to test if your required mods works and maybe get a sneak peak of what awaits.

To play this mission, you will need to download all of the required items listed AND an addittional 3 mods from armaholic. I know not all people are familiar with downloading mods from armaholic and putting them on arma so I will teach you how to do it.

First of all, we have the 3 mods. Download all 3 mods from these links:

Futuram Maritime Units:
Lesh's Tow Mod:
Airfield Logistics:

To download these, you need either WinRAR or 7zip. From each download link you will receive a RAR file or 7zip. To make it easier, move all 3 folders out on your desktop. From here, I'll do it step by step.

1. Locate your ArmA 3 directory. Depending on your windows version, it will be different:
Windows with 32 bit: "C:/Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/Common/ArmA 3/"
Windows with 64 bit: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/ArmA 3/"

2. Now extract your WinRAR or 7zip files inside the main ArmA 3 directory. They should lay at the top of your ArmA 3 folder (if sorted alphabetically) and be named "@FA_Maritime", "@lesh_tow" and "@Peral_Airfield_Logistics". These should be normal folders, not WinRAR or anything else. PLEASE NOTE: the FA Maritime will be inside another folder. Please extract it from this folder too. The @FA_Maritime should be in the arma directory.

3. To make Lesh Tow compatible with the other mods, you will have to perform this extra step. Go in to your @lesh_tow folder. Here you see a folder named "optional". Open this folder and copy ALL the items inside this folder.

4. Go back 2 folders to your main ArmA directory at steamapps/Common/ArmA 3/ and locate the folder named "Addons". Go inside this folder and paste the files you copied from the folder in @lesh_tow.

5. Last thing to do is open your ArmA 3 launcher and go to the "Mods" tab. You should already have 11 mods loaded (the 11 mods shown on this missions requirements). Go to the top and click "Local Mod".

6. Locate your ArmA 3 Main Directory exactly like you did in step 1.

7. Select the 3 mod folders @lesh_tow, @FA_Maritime and @Peral_Airfield_Logistics by holding Ctrl while you click them. Click "Choose Folder" and it should move these 3 mods in to the mods list of your launcher. Enable these 3 mods.

And that's it. You should now have 14 mods loaded. When you do, you are ready to play this mission. If there's any trouble then just contact me.

The rest of the mods are on the workshop item under required items. No manual configuration is needed for those 11.
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We are about ready with the whole scenario now and I will be sending out the PM's soon. If you still wish to join there's still a few roles left. It's not too late yet. There isn't many roles left though.

These are the roles that are still available:

Alpha 3-1 Designator
Alpha 3-1 AT Assistant
Alpha 4-1 Paramedic
Alpha 4-2 Spotter

To anyone wondering why it has taken a long time: I've recently been busy but I did manage to get the last bugs fixed and it's ready to go now.