Arma 3 Zeus

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Me and @KeiwaM thought it would be fun to gather some people together and play some Arma 3 Zeus. The plan is to host this at Friday the 4th of January at 7PM (UK time).

We will be using some mods.

We have done this once before, and it turned out to be quite a lot of fun! The more people that show up, the more possibilities we get as well. So I hope some of you want to come along.

In Zeus the objectives and tasks are created by the Zeus, or game masters from the start. The Zeus can basically use the in game 3D editor to place vehicles, enemies and objectives. This makes it possible to create unique scenarios. It also makes it easy to adjust the difficulty of the game, depending on how many players there are and how they play.
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I have Arma 3 and I’m willing to re-install it for such things with the community, I don’t play it much and didn’t play much when I did try it out. What is Zeus?
Me and Madda will be gamemasters, creating a senario for you and editing and adjusting it as you play to make sure its balanced.
Reminder for Tonight:

Remember to download the mods and enable them in your launcher. If you don't know how to, ask me or Madda.

Also, if you want to attend but can't be there from the beginning, or can't be there for very long, it is not a problem. You can join and leave when you wish to.
Starts in 1 hour, we will be using the Arma 3 teamspeak channel, you can find it near the bottom of the channel list.
We are starting soon. If you want to join, come on teamspeak and go to Madda's sub-channel. Server Password is 123.