Server Suggestion Armor for Vehicles

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Suggestion Title: Armor for Vehicles
Suggestion Description: This would be a craftable item, that you can put on your car for it to whitstand extra bullets, and make it Expensive so it's ballanced.
Make it for only vans and bigger, beefer, and slower vehicles.

Why should this be added?:
so it's easier to flee raids.

What negatives could this have?:
Less criminals would be caught. Extra development for the devs.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: getting a car break down after 4 shots.
Crims already have super cars that outspeed anything in the PD by like 40/50 mph I don't think this is really needed at all
The reason you bring firearms to majority of raids are to ensure that should police come, you can shoot your way out and clear the area of cops, in addition to this, you state the benefits to this suggestion to be allowing people to flee from the police after a raid is performed, however if cops just get in their vehicles to pursue you, this armour wouldn't really make much of a difference, as you already stated they cab only be placed on big bodied vehicles ( vans etc)
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