Server Suggestion Craftable Armor

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Nazeer’s basement
Suggestion Title: Craftable Armor
Suggestion Description: I feel like a crim buff should be added in, there’s only pd buffs and although they are adding policies to avoid it being to OP, I’d like something for criminals. I think we should be able to craft armor (light armor) and (heavy armour) light armor should be able to craft at firearm level 95 and the heavy armour should be maybe 120-125. It should have the same usage as the one on cop meaning like when you are shot your armor goes away or decreases. it should also be a bit expensive im thinking 15-20k for heavy and 5-10k for light

Why should this be added?:
- benefits for citizens
- more realistic, in irl you can buy armor

What negatives could this have?:
- possibly harder to kill other ppl
- the work for devs
- rich ppl might abuse

What problem would this suggestion solve?: cops being to op and criminals finally having a buff
down below is a link to an image representing what the object should look like when it’s been crafted

Useful Images: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....icy=Letterbox&imcolor=#000000&letterbox=false
Police have armor for a reason and that reason is so they have slightly more power than normal users as they are there to enforce the law; it's the same reason they run slightly faster than normal civs.
Suggestion Title: Craftable Armor
Suggestion Description: I feel like a crim buff should be added in, there’s only pd buffs and although they are adding policies to avoid it being to OP, I’d like something for criminals. I think we should be able to craft armor (light armor) and (heavy armour) light armor should be able to craft at firearm level 95 and the heavy armour should be maybe 120-125. It should have the same usage as the one on cop meaning like when you are shot your armor goes away or decreases. it should also be a bit expensive im thinking 15-20k for heavy and 5-10k for light

Why should this be added?:
- benefits for citizens
- more realistic, in irl you can buy armor

What negatives could this have?:
- possibly harder to kill other ppl
- the work for devs
- rich ppl might abuse

What problem would this suggestion solve?: cops being to op and criminals finally having a buff
down below is a link to an image representing what the object should look like when it’s been crafted

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also when being applied it should have some sort of applying time, idk how you say it but what I mean is the same animation as the stimpack
bc b4 police don’t have as50
Omg is this gonna be the new thing????

TFU having access to as50 barely changes anything, you are clearly scared of beretta cops

As50 for TFU doesn’t suddenly make craftable armor balanced
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I personally don't dislike the idea of Civilian body armour but feel like it needs either balancing and the modelling issue would arise.

Examples I can think of that will make armour for civs more viable imho:
- Civilians can craft "Covert Body armour" Which is light armour worn under clothing, but this wouldn't offer too noticeable protection. This is a workaround for modelling armour.
- Bank robbers can purchase body armour for the purpose of bank robbery, which is removed from them upon either dying or completing the robbery.
Idek how the armor actually works under the hood but if its not just a literal extra healthbar and actually is armor...

I think it'd be cool to see some light armor for civs that only block pistol rounds. Give the police plates that block rifle shots if its not already like that.
Suggestion Title: Craftable Armor
Suggestion Description: I feel like a crim buff should be added in, there’s only pd buffs and although they are adding policies to avoid it being to OP, I’d like something for criminals. I think we should be able to craft armor (light armor) and (heavy armour) light armor should be able to craft at firearm level 95 and the heavy armour should be maybe 120-125. It should have the same usage as the one on cop meaning like when you are shot your armor goes away or decreases. it should also be a bit expensive im thinking 15-20k for heavy and 5-10k for light

Why should this be added?:
- benefits for citizens
- more realistic, in irl you can buy armor

What negatives could this have?:
- possibly harder to kill other ppl
- the work for devs
- rich ppl might abuse

What problem would this suggestion solve?: cops being to op and criminals finally having a buff
down below is a link to an image representing what the object should look like when it’s been crafted

Useful Images:
Sorry but I don't want someone with Shadow Assassin Minecraft Armor stepping infront of my door XD
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