In-Character Name:Ava James

Out-of-Character Name: DanielRabbit

Age: Almost 12- 11


Steam account link :

Total Playtime: 1 month

How active are you on the server?: Always all day

When are you online?: morning and afternoon BST

VIP (Yes/No): Yes

Previous Organizations: Acab rothschild salamanca

Items you own (Pictures of storage):

Money (Picture of bank account):

Vehicles you own (Picture of car garage): I have a golf gti 2014 turbo tuning upgraded

Skill levels (Picture of all your levels):

Shooting skill? (7 , where; 1= Kurze, 3 = Sorle, 5 = Butterman561tm, 6 = Jenga, 7 = Xeronise, 9 = Jamie/Max, 10 = Tinky )

Do you have any experience with cheats?No

Why do you want to join the organization?:Because my orgs ditched me salamanca rothschild acab they kicked me for dumb purposes

What can you bring to the organization?: I can bring basing more I will stick up to anyone and give things that they may need

What makes you stand out from other applicants?: I don't see me standing out to anyone people are the same who are applying and it doesn't matter who's better

Are you willing to take a ban for another org member if needed? (Yes/No):yes
In-Character Name:Ava James

Out-of-Character Name: DanielRabbit

Age: Almost 12- 11


Steam account link :

Total Playtime: 1 month

How active are you on the server?: Always all day

When are you online?: morning and afternoon BST

VIP (Yes/No): Yes

Previous Organizations: Acab rothschild salamanca

Items you own (Pictures of storage):

Money (Picture of bank account):

Vehicles you own (Picture of car garage): I have a golf gti 2014 turbo tuning upgraded

Skill levels (Picture of all your levels):

Shooting skill? (7 , where; 1= Kurze, 3 = Sorle, 5 = Butterman561tm, 6 = Jenga, 7 = Xeronise, 9 = Jamie/Max, 10 = Tinky )

Do you have any experience with cheats?No

Why do you want to join the organization?:Because my orgs ditched me salamanca rothschild acab they kicked me for dumb purposes

What can you bring to the organization?: I can bring basing more I will stick up to anyone and give things that they may need

What makes you stand out from other applicants?: I don't see me standing out to anyone people are the same who are applying and it doesn't matter who's better

Are you willing to take a ban for another org member if needed? (Yes/No):yes
If you get accepted asda will be a joke
In-Character Name:Ava James

Out-of-Character Name: DanielRabbit

Age: Almost 12- 11


Steam account link :

Total Playtime: 1 month

How active are you on the server?: Always all day

When are you online?: morning and afternoon BST

VIP (Yes/No): Yes

Previous Organizations: Acab rothschild salamanca

Items you own (Pictures of storage):

Money (Picture of bank account):

Vehicles you own (Picture of car garage): I have a golf gti 2014 turbo tuning upgraded

Skill levels (Picture of all your levels):

Shooting skill? (7 , where; 1= Kurze, 3 = Sorle, 5 = Butterman561tm, 6 = Jenga, 7 = Xeronise, 9 = Jamie/Max, 10 = Tinky )

Do you have any experience with cheats?No

Why do you want to join the organization?:Because my orgs ditched me salamanca rothschild acab they kicked me for dumb purposes

What can you bring to the organization?: I can bring basing more I will stick up to anyone and give things that they may need

What makes you stand out from other applicants?: I don't see me standing out to anyone people are the same who are applying and it doesn't matter who's better

Are you willing to take a ban for another org member if needed? (Yes/No):yes
View attachment 18895
Hello everybody, we are proud to announce that ASDA is looking to expand its employee count. All you have to do is fill in the short application forum in a reply to this post and hope you get accepted.

Application Form:

In-Character Name:gaz uppy

Out-of-Character Name:qv



Steam account link:

Total Playtime:1 month n a week

How active are you on the server?:till my leaves r done

When are you online?:from 1am to 12pm

VIP (Yes/No):too broke

Previous Organizations: salawanka

Items you own (Pictures of storage):

Money (Picture of bank account):got 2k

Vehicles you own (Picture of car garage):1st engine upgrade mini cooper also got a 55k for in hot pink

Skill levels (Picture of all your levels):
Shooting skill? (1-10 , where; 1= Kurze, 3 = Sorle, 5 = Butterman561tm, 6 = Jenga, 7 = Xeronise, 9 = Jamie/Max, 10 = Tinky ) 11(gaz sloppy)

Do you have any experience with cheats? salataping a cross to my tv

Why do you want to join the organization?:salawanka on top

What can you bring to the organization?:nades, my hot pink ford,warrants,and 9 toes

What makes you stand out from other applicants?:my head is different colour to my body and my feet are as hard as stone

Are you willing to take a ban for another org member if needed? (Yes/No):na 3up my boy farook and betty drizzler

Primary focus (Growing, Casinos, PassiveRP, CopRP, CriminalRP):failing meth

note: being my friend dose not mean you will get accepted. i dont have friends
ladies ladies none of you are getting in consider all your applications denied now stop spamming my org thread you look like this thanks


- yours truly asda old guard bulky-football player alfa boss level 99 boss mccann
ladies ladies none of you are getting in consider all your applications denied now stop spamming my org thread you look like this thanks


- yours truly asda old guard bulky-football player alfa boss level 99 boss mccann
did u read my application?
ladies ladies none of you are getting in consider all your applications denied now stop spamming my org thread you look like this thanks


- yours truly asda old guard bulky-football player alfa boss level 99 boss mccann