ATTEMPT To Optimize The Server As Much as possible??

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Generally Speaking, I think alot of people may agree, When you have a low-medium end PC, Perp runs at a LOW FPS, My maximum I get is around 40, and thats when there are around 45 people on or less, any more and I start to lag. Now before all you people with HIGH END PC'S Come in and say "it runs fine on my PC" Well, ever thought about that you may have the latest CPU And graphics card(s). Comment down below. don't just rate and leave it as it is not helpful at all.
Now before all you people with HIGH END PC'S Come in and say "it runs fine on my PC" Well, ever thought about that you may have the latest CPU And graphics card(s)
I played with a i5-2450M and a Nvidia 610M for 4 years on a 8 year old laptop, I know the pain. @Daigestive has it even worse.

You just have to live with it and optimize it the best way possible for yourself by using is r_shadows 0; r_3dsky 0; mat_queue_mode -1; gmod_mcore_test 1 and play on 64-Bit.
Mine was a Asus K73SD, such a good laptop but it cost 1000 Euros at the time LOL
It's a sandbox game from 2004, and the gamemode is built on a ton of custom content, not much to expect in terms of performance really, the engine is really being pushed to its limits. I just decided to hop onto GeForce Now, if you have good internet (i mean really good) then its definitely worth the switch until you get a better PC.
HIGH END PC'S Come in and say "it runs fine on my PC" Well, ever thought about that you may have the latest CPU And graphics card(s

This is like asking volkswagen to fucking put better engines in their cars because someone who can afford a lamborghini is faster than you.

PERP is a very inoptimized gamemode, but so is a game from 2004. Honestly it's not even running well on newer hardware for some people. Then add the dozens of custom models, weapons, hundreds of calculations per second for every physic object, ragdoll, player etc. the fact an engine this old is still capable of it is quite impressive

Like mage said you can use Geforce NOW to get that smooth 60 framerate but you'll have to live with this for now
There is really not much that can be done, without reducing player numbers or map size.
Source is just really bad and outdated
I played on a laptop for like 3 years on a shitty i3 on intergrated graphics and those were the best times ;)
I have a really good computer at my main home so appart from a 200 ping, I do not have any FPS drop when there is a lot of people online.

Today I played on a medium computer and the most fps drops I had was when an incident occurs (one person shoots one bullet at bazaar) The whole government comes in at the same time with their lights on and most of the time, the lights are left activated for 5-10minutes ++

I did not do any test but I am pretty sure that the lights are highly demanding for the computer, even more when there are 20 of them in the same zone...

If the lights are really affecting FPS on medium and lower computers, maybe when no one is in the car, a timer could automatically turn the lights off after a couple minutes?
@amr it would only be nessesarily if you're getting way too high temps, which isn't the general issue
Do you mean the police lights? I don't believe it's the lights per se that causes your FPS to drop but probably the amount of cars. Especially bazaar. A full bazaar parking lot is still verry laggy. 6 double parked police cars will only make it drop further
Yes that's what I meant, I know that a lot of cars at the same place is more demanding. I'm just really wondering if the same ammount of car Without any lights is the same with lights. I will try to do a test when I have some time unless everyone supports the fact that lights do not affect performance.
@Sneaky Undervolting is still a good idea to get lower temps and higher frequencies but I wouldnt bother with tower PCs when you dont know what youre doing especially laptops since they're not supposed to be under or overclocked (most older models usually). I couldn't do any modifications to mine without crashing.
ive got a pretty beast y laptop which allows me to undervolt if I wanna really get those extra frames.