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My House
So, I started playing on the server again yesterday and the server kept promoting "Auto-disconnect in X seconds" every 5-10 minutes although I am connected to steam and my internet works just fine. It is really annoying, the game is literally unplayable at this point. I tried to search over the internet for a solution but found nothing. does anyone have any idea on how to fix this?
I tried googling a little for you, some of the mentioned suggestions were:

1. Open the process tree, see if there is something called HL2 or half-life 2, end that process if the process stays after closing it, close the game and go to steam->right click garrysmod-> properties->Local files->verify integrity of game files (you can verify the files anyways, there might be something missing)
2. Restart steam completely, if it still doesn't work, restarts your computer and try again
3. When you connect to the server and see that error, open console by press f10 and type retry, the message should disappear.

It's a super old problem so there are many different fixes to it, but I recommend trying number one first.
So I came to a conclusion, I and my brother play on the server. if one of us plays alone without the other being connected to the server it works just fine without having any trouble regarding disconnection but if we play together one of us will keep getting auto-disconnect. As of the IP conflict with the other making the server auto-disconnect. Is there a way to overcome this?
This seems like a network issue. Personally I don’t have issues having multiple accounts in the same IP connected to either a test or the live server.

Can you rejoin instantly and are the forums still accessible or does it look like everything is down? Sometimes your provider can block the domain if it is receiving to many packets from it.