Ban Apology (3izu)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: 3izu
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: liquify
Your Roleplay Name: Richard Smitin
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:458372411

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: I saw someone a while ago using gas cans to blow stuff up and I wanted to do it. And was cheating.

Why should this appeal be considered?: So, originally I made a appeal for blowing up the bazaar but then my ban got cheating thrown onto it so I'm here to explain why I cheated. So when I first joined this server I had no idea that it was a good server and just wanted to troll like esping to find people to troll and aimbot etc. But then I started playing the server more and actually really enjoyed it. I was planning on getting rid of the cheats after my next session because I have a habit of injecting them since I only really play gmod to troll nowadays because of all the shitty servers. And whilst playing saw someone blow up something with a gas can and get away with it and I thought it was allowed. So I decided to go to the bazaar and blow one stand up and caught a 1 month ban. When I appealed I guess 3izu or some automated system found out that I also cheated and banned me permanently. I only have a few hours on perpheads and really want to play and engage in the community again, and I know you guys probably never unban cheaters but, I would really appricate if you could give me a second chance possibly just putting my ban back at a one month and letting me wait out the time. I promise I will not cheat any admin can have a watch over me or I could regularly hand over my demos for inspection I just really want to play this server again even under high moderation. I really fucked up and hope you can understand that. Please take my appeal into consideration and have a blessed day.

jemery willcox.

Additional Information: Nope that's all thanks.
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