Ban Apology (3izu)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @3izu
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: MrStan
Your Roleplay Name: Stanislav Sokoly (I Think)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:208526927

Why were you punished?: 3.15, 4.1, 4.3 - User as a firefighter was patrolling around the city in the firetruck, at bazaar decided to ram a vehicle out of its spot killing a person who was in the back.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Well this was my first time playing as a fireman, i had no idea about the patrolling around the city law, i thought it wouldnt apply to parking and waiting for another fire to start near the forest again, which there seemed to be alot of for some reason. And also i had no idea about the crime scene rule i didnt think it would apply to an illegally parked vehicle that was blocking the parking lot, i thought it was just a traffic issue that the towing truck should resolve, so hence the reason i didnt feel the need to call the police officers. Also i had no idea about the 4.1 since i thought it was something that the police should enforce. Either way this isnt a dispute ticket i just wanted to show that i had no idea about the certain technicalities with what comes with the firefighting role.
As you can clearly see in the summary it was purely accidental, i had no reason to kill this man, and i had no idea about his existence, driving a firetruck is extremely hard and which is something ill never do again. My decision for punting this mans illegally parked vehicle was wrong and reckless.
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I also want to be clear that i intend to fully serve the blacklist term, even though its a bit harsher in length then my previous blacklist a year ago.
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The garden

As discussed in the admin sit, I would review your demo to verify your behaviour. Initially, I intended to keep the ban as it was since there was no evidence of any other rule breaks, although several players had reported you. This is why you were demo requested and I would review it later whenever I am not busy. After reviewing the demo it’s clear that your actions were more problematic than initially reported. While some reports lacked evidence, the demo has proven what the players have reported you for.

Throughout the demo, you consistently broke multiple rules. As a firefighter, you repeatedly stabbed people, ran over multiple players, ended up killing an officer by running him over, drove on the wrong side of the highway, and rammed into vehicles so your road crew friend could extort money from the owners of the vehicle. Also, you failed to perform your duties as a firefighter. Despite several reports of fires and an officer calling it out on the radio, you only dealt with one in the span of an hour. It was also clear that you were communicating with two friends outside of the game, which influenced your in-character decisions, violating rule 3.2.

Your ban has been extended to 1 month after watching the demo and seeing the severity of the rule breaks.

Both of your friends will also receive a punishment.
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