Ban Apology (A1L)

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Reaction score
the chipmunk factory
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: A1L
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: ForoG
Your Roleplay Name: Juan Bonita
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:598560143

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User failed to leave the scene of a shootout, was nearly shot in accidental crossfire due to this.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I am very sorry to locksmith/jack locks for being unrealistic most likely causing your death and I am very sorry to the admins for wasting your time/ breaking 3.4. At the time it was not my intent to break the rules or create an unrealistic scenario as I did not believe I was in danger and tried to stay in a safe place throughout the whole experience. Looking back on the admin feedback and demo clips, I agree with why I was banned and will make sure not to do it again. I have been a part of the community for about 2-3 months now and this has been my first ban. Since it is the tenth birthday I really did not want to be in this situation at this time and I would be devastated if I were to miss it due to a stupid thing I did. I am very sorry - Juan Bonita/ForoG
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