Ban Apology (Admin meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Efan.
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Optical-4-2-0
Your Roleplay Name: Billy Langford.
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:32922552

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Aquaa16 Sep 2022 15:48 for more information, he had a dylan klebold pfp, and was defending having it calling everyone snowflakes and basically calling the staff team nazis for removing it. Just trying to trigger people'

Why should this appeal be considered?: The things I shall apologise for is the name-calling (as I will admit to calling Efan a snowflake on discord), & the ironic Dylan Klebold pfp, however I cannot recall calling anyone a 'nazi' or going 'out of my way to trigger people', as I had gotten on with plenty of individuals within the PERP community, as for my comments on the 'gender-reassignment' in-game, they were aimed at the fact it was called 'trendy' & painted out to be this cool & easy process IG, when there is a young impressionable audience who could take that the wrong way within the PERP community.

As for the nazi comments & going out of my way to trigger people? my argument had taken place on the public discord (same day I was banned IG), I would love to personally see the audit log from that day to see these 'nazi' comments I had supposedly made, our entire argument went down on the public discord so it should all be rather easy to find, as for the other stuff I can only say that was heat of the moment, and I take accountability in that by apologising, I will take claim to what I know to be factual, but the other stuff is just feels very profound, given the fact I was banned for a whole year over this.

Additional Information: I would additionally like to say that I cannot understand how I was 'triggering' people either, as I still have a grand chunk of my friends & old organisation members still playing within the PERP community that still keep in touch, this situation happened over a year ago and I personally believe that it has gone on for far too long, I am sorry for the things I take full accountability for, however, the additional stuff I will not lay claim to as I feel like I would be lying through my teeth to create false satisfaction in this situation.

I have a few communities of my own, I have been wanting to get back into PERP given some personal hardships & general boredom with a lot of time being on my hands, I would like to thank whomever reads this for taking their time, and my discord is Optical 420#0334 if any further questions would like to be asked inquiring to this matter.
This situation did not happen over a year ago, it was 6 months ago?
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