Ban Apology (Admin meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: A1L
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: Seth
Your Roleplay Name: Eric Mays
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101659048

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Mass RDM | Ran over 5 people as a Firefighter, disconnected straight after.

Why should this appeal be considered?: To give some context, 5 people were stood stationary in the middle of the road right on the route back to the fire station. I carefully navigated past them once but then my friend asked me to come and be police with him. Therefore I circled back round and put my lights on to speed quickly towards the fire station to resign. When this happened I completely forgot that there were people in the middle of one of the main roads, logic suggested in my brain that they would have moved on, and if they were there permanently the police would have moved them by now (moreso considering it was right outside the PD). This caused me to not even consider the possibility that they were still there. Before I noticed they were still there I was going too fast and could not slow down quick enough hence why I smashed into a wall afterwards and did not attempt to drive away. As soon as it happened I panicked and left the server which was a stupid decision and makes this appear as a purposeful attack however I can assure you that this wasn't the case.

I ask to be unbanned because for the past two weeks myself and my friend have been playing this server virtually everyday and have a great time. We have been saving up 1 million to afford a car which has been one of our main goals and this goal was almost reached with myself on half a million and my friend closing in on it. I know what I done was a stupid mistake and additionally was worsened by me leaving. I immediately attempted to join back after realising it was a silly decision but by then I was already banned. I understand 6 months is a lengthy ban to appeal, however, if a reversal of the ban is not possible, a shortening would be hugely appreciated. My friend and I really would like to continue playing the server together.

Furthermore, I have no history of minging on this server with 0 warns or 0 previous bans. I can assure that this silly mistake will not be repeated and should I make another error, I know now to not immediately leave.

Thank you for considering this appeal.
he previously had ran over another guy in plain sight when the road was clear, he simply turned towards the pd where the guy was standing killing him then driving off. Afterwards he returned back to run 5 people. I think after the first time he would understand not to hold down W to go so fast he can't stop. Many cars had passed and all stoped however you where the only one who sped forward killing us all plus you where no where to be seen after we where revived so idk
he previously had ran over another guy in plain sight when the road was clear, he simply turned towards the pd where the guy was standing killing him then driving off. Afterwards he returned back to run 5 people. I think after the first time he would understand not to hold down W to go so fast he can't stop. Many cars had passed and all stoped however you where the only one who sped forward killing us all plus you where no where to be seen after we where revived so idk
Honestly, I do not recall this at all? I know I went past once quite carefully if I hit anyone I do apologise but it was not intentional whatsoever I was in a fire truck which is quite hard to see in 3rd person.

But yeah I really did not realise I'd hit anyone at all in the first place, no one came after me and I did not hear any commotion. I was under the impression I went past slowly and carefully.

As for remembering to go slowly the second time around refer to the reasons found in the post. I know it sounds somewhat stupid however I was not under the impression that it was some kind of organised protest in the road usually that road is kept clear by the police, I was just in a rush to get back and resign and go be police with my friend and it skipped my mind fully.
I was there. that is not true he did not run someone else over
I was being punched and he was chasing me, he came over with his fire truck slowed down and made a sharp turn towards us killing the guy behind me and he drove off
It's common for people to gather outside City hall and PD, was there any reason you were speeding there when you already knew from before there was a grouo of people there?

And I fail to find the actual part where you apologizing for your actions in your apology.
I was being punched and he was chasing me, he came over with his fire truck slowed down and made a sharp turn towards us killing the guy behind me and he drove off
Mate that’s just not the case at all. As I said if that did happen it was not intentional whatsoever. I had my radio on and no one asked me about it, there was no commotion. No admin pulled me for it.
It's common for people to gather outside City hall and PD, was there any reason you were speeding there when you already knew from before there was a grouo of people there?

And I fail to find the actual part where you apologizing for your actions in your apology.
Once again I do not know what more to say than what I’ve already said in my appeal. I failed to remember that there was a group of people there in the smack bang middle of the road. I was speeding because I was rushing back to the fire station so I could resign and go and be police with my friend instead.

I was under the assumption that calling it a stupid mistake that will not happen again insinuated an apology, however, if not, I do apologise for this incident and would really enjoy to continue playing this server alongside my friend.
Once again I do not know what more to say than what I’ve already said in my appeal. I failed to remember that there was a group of people there in the smack bang middle of the road. I was speeding because I was rushing back to the fire station so I could resign and go and be police with my friend instead.

I was under the assumption that calling it a stupid mistake that will not happen again insinuated an apology, however, if not, I do apologise for this incident and would really enjoy to continue playing this server alongside my friend.
I mean okay yeah your going to resign, you are still a government employee and should on the speed limit especially when u saw people in the road. But your story doesn't match what you said first, if you wanted to be a police why did u log out immediately after running us over? Why didn't u become police.
I mean okay yeah your going to resign, you are still a government employee and should on the speed limit especially when u saw people in the road. But your story doesn't match what you said first, if you wanted to be a police why did u log out immediately after running us over? Why didn't u become police.
Yes I’m acknowledging all of that, I’m acknowledging that I should not have been speeding and that it was a stupid error.
Furthermore I explained by reasons behind logging out immediately, I’d just ran over 5 people so I shit myself a bit and left. I don’t know if there’s a way to check logs but I did immediately attempt to join back upon realising how bad it would look
Yes I’m acknowledging all of that, I’m acknowledging that I should not have been speeding and that it was a stupid error.
Furthermore I explained by reasons behind logging out immediately, I’d just ran over 5 people so I shit myself a bit and left. I don’t know if there’s a way to check logs but I did immediately attempt to join back upon realising how bad it would look
Funny, you have over 2k hours on gmod and I'm pretty sure you've played many rp servers and would know by how many hours you have leaving as soon as committing mass rdm is just going to get u banned, if you stayed and maybe spoke to the admin about what happens I'm pretty sure you would have gotten a lot less of a ban
Funny, you have over 2k hours on gmod and I'm pretty sure you've played many rp servers and would know by how many hours you have leaving as soon as committing mass rdm is just going to get u banned, if you stayed and maybe spoke to the admin about what happens I'm pretty sure you would have gotten a lot less of a ban
Yes, please read what I am saying. I left immediately because I panicked, not out of a rational decision. Then afterwards realised what I’d actually done. Just because I’m aware that leaving after doing something like that is wrong does not mean I am immune from making an error. I do not know why you’re so hellbent on trying to disprove me, it was an honest mistake that I am trying to rectify by making this post. The running over of people was an accident, that’s the honest truth. However the way I acted in the aftermath was wrong and I do truly apologise to the server for that. Nevertheless, whether the Admins believe what I done was an accident, or whether my actions afterwards justify this ban, is ultimately up to them.
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