Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @d
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: ScatPac2023
Your Roleplay Name: Anthony Colombo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:710270797

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1, 1.2 - User completely failed to conduct themselves in a respecful manner, also displayed xenophobic behavior

Why should this appeal be considered?: Well I believe that my ban should be considered becuase I am truly sorry for what I have said. I said things that day in character but they took it out of character and I can understand why. If I were to be unbanned then I can assure the whole staff team that something like this wont ever happen again with me. I am guilty for what I have said and I should not have said way I did but at the time I was not thinking. I am asking to be unbanned becuase I did bring quality role play and I understand that it may not look like I do from what this ban is on but please trust me I did. At this point I am despite to be unbanned becuase I just want to have fun and play with my friends. All I am asking for is a second chance becuase that all I need to fix my self and come back stronger then I was before I was banned. I have learned my lesson on what not to say and do. So if you could please take this appeal into consider then that would make a big difference.

Additional Information: Staff said that the stuff I said was not xenophobic.
Reaction score
United Kingdom

Additional Information: Staff said that the stuff I said was not xenophobic.
It's hard to believe that you're genuinely sorry and willing to accept your actions and improve upon them when you end the apology by saying that you didn't do what you were accused of...
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