Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Fredy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: HyperKaizen
Your Roleplay Name: Kaizen Chan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:804283249

Why were you punished?: I called someone a homophobic slur during a police raid. I then tried getting my ban lifted with pathetic excuses in discord which resulted in a severe ban.

Why should this appeal be considered?: This is probably a long shot but i made an apology appeal regarding my permanent ban and was wondering if i can have it relooked at? I have had time to realise how much of a d*ckhead i was and calling someone a homophobic slur is not ok... I was initially meant to be banned for 3months but because i continued arguing with the admins within discord that resulted in me being perma banned... I was hoping you could forgive me for my past behavior and if i was accepted back into the community i would never make the same mistakes again... All my friends play on your server and i would like the chance to play with them again.

Additional Information: As an apology i do not mind donating to the server if it means i get to play on your server again, i made a lot of friends in the community and i do not want to loose that due to my idiotic actions and behavior. If there's any new players that need VIP then i will contribute towards that.

I have nothing against the LGBTQ Community, it was simply just a heat of the moment and it slipped out because i was angry.

If you guys need to speak to me via voice chat i do not mind speaking to you.

I did make an appeal but no one responded to it i am not spamming just want to clear the air with everything as i have learnt my lesson and had a lot of time to reflect on my behavior.
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