Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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United Kingdom
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Doge
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: kerzify
Your Roleplay Name: Harrison Turner
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:101636185

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User broke gunpoint on three seperate occasions within the span of 30 minutes. The first occasion he disregarded gunpoint completely by running past a TFU officer under gunpoint. The second occasion, he delayed putting his hands up for an extended amount of time whilst under gunpoint by several TFU officers. The last occasion, he refused to cooperate while under gunpoint while under cuffs. Longer ban due to record with 3.4 considering he just got off a 2 month ban

Why should this appeal be considered?: I apologise to the police officers that I didn't stop for in the situation causing me to break 3.4 and also apologise to the staff, I think you should consider my appeal as I have been banned for almost 4 months now, I have had plenty of time to reflect on my rule breaks which most of the time is 3.4 as you can see by my 5 bans on the server they all consist of 3.4, I'll ensure that when I get back onto the server that in any situation 3.4 isn't broken regardless of the scenario, muggings etc. I've taken time with myself to learn what would be classed as 3.4 and what wouldn't be which isn't a hard rule to break, I believe I was breaking just borderline 3.4 however that is still breaking 3.4, so I was unsure with myself why I carried on consistently breaking it regardless of understanding the rule. I would appreciate if this appeal would be considered as you can tell that I am sincere in my apology and I have served more than half of the 6 months which I should have done rightfully so, Once again, I apologise and I hope that you will understand that I won't be breaking 3.4 again.

Additional Information: Thanks for reading
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