Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Carrot
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: whatsdis
Your Roleplay Name: Xiao Bing or Derrick Holmes (been so long i forgot)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:721171127

Why were you punished?: Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered?: I am truly sorry i ruined the experience of everyone in the roleplay community. I was going through a weird time in my life and was making very stupid decisions and one of those was to cheat. i fouled the experience of other people in our community that were trying to play correctly meanwhile i had an unfair advantage. at the time i was not seeing through the eyes of others on how it could affect them in their gameplay and more. After getting banned I stopped playing garrys mod all together for awhile. Perpheads was my home and i fouled where i spent most of my days and time. my friends no longer wanted to play with me because they found out i cheated and that was understandable. I moved on to playing fivem GTA 5 RP servers where i found a new appeal for roleplay. in my time and experience playing there i came across way to many cheaters then i can count. everytime i was trying to have a fun time and play correctly someone else would come cheating and ruin my experience. finally i was seeing it through the eyes of those i had done wrong. I have been playing on FiveM servers for over 8 months now and just have gotten nostalgic feelings about perpheads and my old friends i used to have. I would appreciate the chance to come back and start over with everyone on another chance in life. I hate the fact i ever did that and will never do it again. I also 100% understand and can accept if you guys do not want me back in this server since the actions i did were honestly unacceptable.
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Wait at least a minimum of a year since your ban before we will consider unbanning you.
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