Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Kelson's basement
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @spon
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Year

Your Steam Name: klown
Your Roleplay Name: Klown Klownsky
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:631559408

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User ran into a property unarmed that was being raided by TFU // Extended due to mass RDM threats, not worth taking the risk.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello all Perpers!

I got banned quite a while ago now. I got banned because I found the server repetetive and not much fun anymore so I got bored and decided that I would troll TFU situation that was ongoing at slums apartment. I was entering the apartment and leaving it while TFU instructed me to leave the area thus breaking 3.4 as I haven't valued my life enough. I would like to apologise to everyone who got affected by my action's. This ban was only 4 months long considering my ban history. (Even tho I got banned like 2 weeks before for again 3.4 and only got 2 weeks but it got removed by a dispute.) So 4 months seemed overkill to me, but I said whatever I can wait it out.

Then all of a sudden I got a discord message saying that my ban was extended to 1 year due to my comments made on MY discord server regarding Perpheads. Where I was openly joking for like 2 years straight that I will MassRDM yet I never did it.(And also have 0 intensions of doing it .) The message alone was sent by me when someone asked if I will make apology to which I responded by "fuck perp I will massrdm when Im back". I responded by similiar messages to other people I know during the 6 month ban duration that I waited out and yet....nothing happened.

After it got extended to 1 year I made a staff complaint because I wanted answers which I got.
I got response in which it said that my ban history is putting me as someone who is likely to cause damage to the community. Because I have ban for bug abusing that wasn't intentional, and MASSRDM with new player that happened when I had like 1 hour on the server.

But completeley ignored the fact that I reported multiple combat advantage bugs which I could have easily abused without anyone knowing. And also making Passive Roleplay experience for everyone by making my shops around the server for players to have interaction with, including my casino or gun store.

Once again Im sorry for writing shit on MY discord server and I hope that the person who reported it is safe from my supposed mrdm.

The point of this apology is to get maybe even unbanned or to have the length shortened. If this goes through I will continue to make PassiveRP scenarios with my friends like we did up until my ban. And also I will become less toxic as some players might see it excesive.

I wish everyone only the best and I hope you have a blessed rest of the day!

Additional Information: thanks for reading
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