Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Nazeer
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Josh tate (sir opple gob)
Your Roleplay Name: Josh Tate
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:747256426

Why were you punished?: Prop Pushing and mic spam

Why should this appeal be considered?: Dear perpheads admins, i am here to profusely apologize for my past actions on the perpheads server and forums over the past few months, Ive done many malicious acts on the server but none as bad as my most recent ban from the server, i am truly from the bottom of my heart very sorry for what i did and remorseful for my actions, and i really feel remorse for inconveniencing the admins and the players of this server, i take full responsibility for my awful actions on perpheads, i do genuinely enjoy playing perpheads with my friends and meeting cool people to interact with on the server.
i am very remorseful and sorry for my immature actions on the forums and server, i was just acting like a fool in an attempt to be funny, but over these past few months ive felt sorrow and remorse for what i did and i have matured and have had time to think and reflect on the silly actions i committed over the past months.
I am also very sorrowful for the past appeal that i made on the forums, i will take full accountability and admit that i did lie on the appeal, i was desperate to play the server again and made up a lie in hopes of it being accepted, this was not a good idea and i should never have done it.
i am hoping for you to unban me and if you think that its not time yet for me to be unbanned i am hoping that you decide to lower my ban so its not permanent since its already been 3 months 4 days shy of 4 months im very sorry

Additional Information: also, alot of my friends are now again active on the server and i would love to join in and not miss out on the fun.
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