Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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United Kingdom
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @phoondos
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Year

Your Steam Name: kerzify
Your Roleplay Name: Harrison Turner
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:101636185

Why were you punished?: 1.1, 3.4 - User ran whilst under direct gunpoint from a police officer for a prolonged amount of time, while loitering at the Bazaar after murdering civilians prior. After being stopped with a baton, the user then shot the officer once they took their cuffs out. User was rude and immature in the report, and has an extensive record for this rule.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Starting this off, I'd like to first and foremost apologise to Phoondos for the 1.1 in the F6 report and wasting your time with the report, It was pathetic of me for trying to justify a rule break that I had done. As for the actual 3.4 itself, I'd like to apologise to the officer that was involved also. It's not the case that I don't understand the 3.4 rule, I am clear on the rule because I have been punished on it in the past, I'll do everything in my power to genuinely make sure this will not happen again. I do really apologise for this, I'm so confident that it won't happen at all anymore that I will take any sort of punishment without appeal if I manage to break that rule again.

I don't just jump on the server with intention and hopes of breaking rules, messing about and getting punishments as I do not enjoy that, I know the staff don't and I definitely know the players involved don't enjoy it either. I made a decision to return to PERP, dedicate time on it and enjoy it again like I used to. As you can tell from my recent gametime on the server from Sunday I have played for hours and have be enjoying it like I used to and was excited to grind it again.

It's well and truly pathetic that I get punished for this rule as I have a true understanding of it and should do as being prior on the Helper team. I do appreciate you reading, I am sincerely sorry and I honestly will ensure that this does not happen again.
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