Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scrabuz
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: Ray69
Your Roleplay Name: Donald Drumph
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33066220

Why were you punished?: Homophobia

Why should this appeal be considered?: Staff member claimed I used a homophobic slur. He didn't even talk to me about it or allow me to have a rebottle. I am bi sexual myself and would never use a gay slur. I am not sure why this admin had it out for me, but he didn't even let me explain myself. Then he bans me for 6 months. I think this is completely unfair and bias against me.

I had sorted this in game and was speaking to scrabuz about this whole situation and then I sent the clip of where he said the F slur can send it here if you need it

When I was speaking to him in the supervisors office he was denying it saying he never said it and he would never say it
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So you did not question someone about their pride flag on their clothing by calling it a "fa**ot flag"?

Just trying to understand where you coming from my dude.
I was having a few drinks last night so If I said anything rude or hurtful I am sorry especially to the person I supposedly insulted. I say supposedly because I can not genuinely remember. I do not even remember arguing with anyone or even being upset. I certainly didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. It certainly doesn't sound like something I would have said. I do not recall having any interactions with Lhealey05 in the slightest, or being in a supervisors office. I just remember having an admin come to me randomly and tell me I was being banned for something and then poof. Now granted my memory of the evening is a little hazy, and I am willing to be wrong. I would like to also apologize to the staff for the situation and my poor memory of it all.
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