Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Oddy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: NITROSAMU
Your Roleplay Name: Jhon Rogue
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:530032811

Why were you punished?: Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered?: It's been almost a year since i was banned, i already explained everything and that i wasn't trying to really cheat, it just happend, and i was so stupid i tried lying about it for days.
I apologize for everything i've done bad in the server, if y'all will unban me i promise that i won't ever dare to break any kind of rule there is EVER again, i just wanna go back to the good old days laughing with my friends, farming, raiding and everything.
This server has so much good ass memories that only the idea that i would have to wait months to play again is destroying me.

Additional Information: Me and my in game organization (steel family) are planning on making a whole entire movie about us and this server, in summer 2025 it will be completed and we are going to pay 500€+ (523.81 USD) for all the animations and stuff.
here is the link of the "trailer".

exactly, maybe not a year but in 13 days its gonna be 2025 and i'm trying to have fun on christmas time on this server, i can bring all my friends too.
Please unban me, i will never do anything wrong ever again, and if you want me to prove that we are going to pay that amount of money for the movie, text me on discord and i will show y'all everything
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