Ban Apology (Aqua)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aqua
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: Prospect
Your Roleplay Name: Dametreus Demarcus
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:583676442

Why were you punished?: There was a bank robbery going on and I had simply entered thinking the bank robbery was over. This was because I had gone back 5 minutes prior and I'd seen the robber and got a notification that there was a bank robbery going on so therefore I left, waited 10 minutes then came back later. Upon my arrival I hadn't received a notification of a bank robbery and I saw no person inside the shop, the bank was empty so I simply thought that the bank robbery had finished. However, after seeing that all the properties were sold I came out and was arrested by an officer who swore at me and I even let him search me to prove that I had no guns and I had no involvement in the bank robbery. He then kept me captive and then let me go after swearing at me numerous times. I got into my car and did a u turn next to him as i didnt want to get arrested for not driving properly. I then out of rage swore back as i felt the way he had spoken to me and treated me was wrong. He then shot up my car and arrested me

Why should this appeal be considered?: I didn't know that the bank robbery still was active, and had I received a notification, I wouldn't have done it. And I don't believe my previous history should be used against me as I am a changed player after having a lot of time off the server, I now value my every second I spend on the server and I am sure to follow up on the rules and not break them. However, this was a simple mistake from which I can assure will never happen again. I promise I won't do it again and I please ask that you forgive me. Although my history says I have a bad history, previous warnings, I know that I won't do it again and I have unlearned my lesson as this mistake wasn't intentional, it was done by accident. I understand i have a bad history but this was a geniune mistake and i didnt even have a firearm on me. I complied with all the officers requests but i simply out of anger did a u turn past him and swore back which resulted in him reporting me for breaking this rule.

Additional Information: Once again, I apologise for my actions and please understand that this is a genuine mistake from which I haven't done on purpose and although I have a bad history, I can assure you that as a result of my time off the server, I won't do break this rule again. I'll make sure to check up on situations and see if I'm allowed to enter places before entering them as simply, I hadn't got a notification and I hadn't seen anyone in the bank so I then thought that as well as this, there were no police so I thought that the bank robbery had ended. So, once again, I'm very apologetic for my actions and I assure you it won't happen again. Please allow me to come back so I'm able to demonstrate what skills I've learnt in my time off the server. Thank you and once again, I apologise.
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