Ban Apology (Aquaa)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Roleplay Name: Gzregorz Breczyszczykcz
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:890835337

Why were you punished?: 3.4, 2.1, 4.1 - As a police officer, the user randomly & purposefully gave himself up as a hostage during an already existing hostage situation thus risking his life for no reason and going against the best interests of the PD by providing the criminals with additional leverage.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Did what i was told during a recent ban apology where all i did was complain. Was told by aquaa to learn how to surrender when at gunpoint. the guy with the hostage was mad we had guns so i just surrendered. so whats going on here? am i being mislead on purpose?
An officer was told to stop pointing their weapon at one of the hostage takers, you surrendered in the kitchen area of the regals apartment and walked into the room while negotiations were being made, you were never told to put your hands up either - You voluntarily became a hostage and told the 1st hostage "Don't worry im the inside man" or something along those lines. Are you trying to dispute this? Because this does not seem like an apology.
bro i seriously just think this is ridiculous. i dont understand. i get fucking banned for making a mistake of pulling my gun and trying to surrender after. now its because i surrender at gunpoint. I listened to your advice as a top admin and now im getting fucked for it. its like you guys are fucking with me or something
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and yes, i said i was an inside man. i wanted to try and talk to them from the inside but they ended up killing me anyways

Wait your ban out and re-read what I told you, you are not understanding it. Also, your article is an example for why you shouldnt do what you did….
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