Ban Apology (bnje)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: bnje
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Spliff2k22
Your Roleplay Name: harry o farrel
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:741079000

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: apparently i was beeing raisist i was not beeing rasist what i was trying to sya am boulord in game and seem to be me geting arrested all the time for some think i have not done and all i had done was crafting and get arrested all time yes i admit i was angrey but i fully opoligise for what happend did not mean are how its come owt am not beeing raisist

Why should this appeal be considered?: i was mad but i have chilled all i was doing is crafting and i been arested today 5 time for no reason for killing some pepole when i killed no one sorry abowt all this i do like the game and love to come back and have a sit with admin as am calm am sorry if any one was affended at all

Additional Information: i am sorry for all of this confusion i did not mean it like that
i did not mean to i was mad can we talk abowt this sivel i do have adhd and did not mean to i regreting it very bad i just wana be a nomal citison paralake i did not mean it in that way i swear i was trying to say but probs come owt wrong as i was mad abowt my skin coulor in game am sorry my bad i hop u can forgive me i realy am sorry
u never have this again from me never ever if i did u can give me a 2 year ban but i have now cooled down and whud like to talk abowt it as am gutted am perm
i am very sorry just i have been harrased all day bye plpd and pepole framing me for killing pepole and not me :(
You called me the N-word and were very toxic for no reason
am sorry i did not mean to at all i was mad and i not had me medication for me adhd am sorry i did not mean to say it to you are any one just i was realy mad for somethink stupet i learnd the hard way when i cud of talked it owt it will not happen again and sorry muffin bro i did not mean to offend any one
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