Ban Apology (Bojing)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Bojing
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: DemonZ
Your Roleplay Name: Cameron Bleed
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:528275255

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: User drove on the wrong side of the highway as medic, wrecking a vehicle. Breaking multiple traffic laws. Told me he didn't care about these situations in the sit

Why should this appeal be considered?: Ok so basically, ive got a dispatch from the dispatcher to get there ASAP, and i was on the wrong side of the road so if i would go in the right one i would be there like 2 mins late, or even more cuz of the traffic that was happening there, so i decided to turn around and just drive - full signals, full lights - after that the cop was driving, i turned right so i dont really crash into him, but he turned a little bit to the middle, and as i was driving the ford medic truck, i couldnt really get any space so i can pass, after that we crashed - his oil leaked he started shouting, i was driving (btw the fun fact is that the medic i was driving, he broke his car - jumped off the bridge and tried reviving the people XD) and after tha i was goign back, after some time i was driving normally, without breaking laws - i dont know where he took this reason from as he didnt even tell me about this one, i drove, then i was going to slums as a cop requested medic to get some help to himself, so i did go there - some guy jumped in front of my car, and then the admin took me on the sit, when i was explaining me for driving on the wrong side of the highway, driving over the guy, he told me ''i dont care u did'' so i said ''then i dont care either my guy'' then he just said that im banned, i answered ''ok'' and got banned for 2 weeks, as i said already - i dont know where the hell he took the reason ''breaking multiple traffic laws'' from, as i didnt break any rules, max when siren or lights were on, as then i can do that. but yea, sorry that i did break the rule about wrong side of the highway and breaking the guys car. but as i said already, i had a dispatch ''asap'' so yah...

Additional Information: sorry but yea, happens
he just extended the ban to 1 month, i said that he banned me on discord cuz of these reasons and that i said i dont care cuz he did so, and now hes mad cause i did so yea he extended it lmao bruh this mod is an joke
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