Ban Apology (BOLLI)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: BOLLI
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross
Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 5.3 - Raided 3 properties in the space of an hour

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello Mr Bolli, I would like to apologies for breaking this rule. Heres a little more background to the story about what happened (I am personally unsure if you followed the whole way through). This whole situation started of with us raiding hungries. But, this raid was randomly stopped by @Maia due to an apparent bug that was causing the doors to stick open. For some reason this raid was stopped and we wasn't allowed to continue(a prop was causing the door to stay open). After this we did the usual and found another raid and came back later. After raiding the house we then did a bank raid. Bank raids usually take a decent amount of time to do, we even decided to hide somewhere for the money and not break 3.4 further. After receiving the money this is when the third raid happened. I really thought the time had past from the morons and the second raid. but apparently not. Even when questioned in looc by yourself I thought you was counting bank as a third raid. this is when I was banned shortly after.

After that little bit of back story I would like to say sorry for you having to noclip and follow us spending your own time to catch us rulebreaking in which we did. There isn't nothing much more than I am sorry and it wont happen again I can say. I have served nearly half of my ban for this accident without even attempting to appeal to take some time away from the server to review my actions I took.
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