Ban Apology (Collier)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Collier
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Major ibraaa
Your Roleplay Name: Luke Jefferson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:202214913

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Cheating. Extended to community-wide.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I want to begin this appeal by apologizing to the entire community for what I did. I totally get how it ruined the experience for others and how narrow-minded and selfish cheating truly is. I'm genuinely sorry for my actions and I wish to be granted a second opportunity to demonstrate to you, that I will not do it ever again.

From when I first joined the community back in 2019 until I got finally permabanned for cheating, I have managed to receive about 20 bans, which to me at the time appeared to be not a lot at all, yet I understand that it was or is a harm to my personal image. The only thing I can do with this appeal is to try to sway your opinions to have my ban either shortened or removed entirely, but I will try regardless. I am well aware of the fact that people might recognize my bad reputation, but I can assure and promise you, that I have reformed. Over the past 2 years (almost) I have decided to self-reflect on myself. I have taken many breaks from gaming, and instead, I started to focus on life and school. After growing older you simply begin realizing that there is no point in being toxic. I also realized such. You will never see a toxic ibraaa again. I have, as already said, reformed. I am a completely different person, and my intentions are to simply enjoy the roleplay on the server, and games in general. Furthermore, it was just idiotic of me to cheat. Just because I was insecure about my skill in a video game and wanted to cheat to get an advantage over players that are better than me.

I will never touch cheats again, ruining gameplay for others is not cool at all. The same goes for the toxicity part. I just want to have a good time on the server.

Additional Information: N/A
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