Ban Apology (CONSOLE)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @CONSOLE
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: OlcayCGame
Your Roleplay Name: I have no roleplay because I didn't spawn
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:815225597

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Alt account of STEAM_0:1:170691733

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello,

I've been banned permanently because of using multiple account, indeed one time I had made this mistakes with my Oxi1tar account and at the meantime I was banned 4 days on my Oxistar account, and the admin who had banned me was Wescott at that precise moment.

During the process of the bannishment, I logged in on my Ox1star account and I got banned permanently while logging in witch I approve indeed this was not really good. But after a couple mounth later, I decided to create a new steam account and buy garry's mod again and in the same occasion I decided to come back to PerpHeads Roleplay because I like this server.

I know I might have logged in on my (Oxistar) account which I'm unban now, but I wanted to play on my new steam account (OlcayCGame) but I got banned as well.

Basically I didn't mean to make a double account to bypass and play on the server otherwise I woud have logged in on my first account which I'm unban now.

Sorry for my first attempt of bypassing the 8 july 2023 at 21:47, but for this account, I had not this intention for bypassing and play.

Thank you for reading my appeal.

Why are you trying to play on an alt account if your main is not banned?
You've right my main was not banned but I had the game on this new account and decided to connect in it.
I have nothing else to say.
So please just use your main account as your alternative accounts will not be unbanned. Thank you for understanding, if you do encounter your main being automatically banned, send me a PM.
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