Ban Apology ([-Core-] Daan)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @[-Core-] Daan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Fayye123
Your Roleplay Name: Joe Carter
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:573030252

Why were you punished?: Dear [Server Admins/Mods], I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to appeal my recent ban and provide some context for my actions. First and foremost, I want to sincerely apologize for the rule violations I committed, and I completely understand why disciplinary action was taken. I genuinely appreciate the effort put into maintaining a fair and immersive RP environment. Shooting Incident: I now understand that I broke the rules by shooting a player who ran while I had them at gunpoint in my apartment at Regal. At the time, I didn't fully grasp the regulations surrounding shooting during RP situations. This was not an intentional rule break, and I promise to better familiarize myself with the server’s rules moving forward to ensure this doesn’t happen again. 90k Theft: Regarding the 90k I stole, I’m fully committed to returning the money to the affected party. I didn’t get a chance to resolve this in-game due to a personal emergency that required me to leave for the hospital, which was urgent. Again, I apologize for leaving things unresolved, and I am ready to take full responsibility for my actions by repaying the 90k in full. I genuinely enjoy being a part of this community, and I’ve learned from this experience. If given the chance, I am committed to adhering to the rules, and I will ensure that nothing like this happens again. Please consider my appeal, and I hope to contribute positively to the server going forward. Thank you for your time and understanding. Best regards, [Fayye123] [Joe Carter]

Why should this appeal be considered?: This appeal should be considered because I’ve taken full responsibility for my actions and now understand the rules more clearly. My mistakes were not intentional, and I’ve learned from the experience. I’m committed to repaying the 90k I took and improving my roleplaying to align with server standards. Additionally, my abrupt exit was due to a genuine emergency, not an attempt to avoid consequences.

I am genuinely invested in this community and want to contribute positively moving forward. If given a second chance, I will strictly adhere to the rules and ensure that my actions do not disrupt the RP experience for others.

Additional Information: I have been a dedicated member of the server for [Almost 1 week], and I deeply enjoy the roleplaying experience and the community it offers. This was my first major infraction, and I hope my record prior to this incident reflects that I’ve generally followed the rules and contributed positively.

The situation that led to my abrupt departure was due to a family emergency at the hospital, which I understand now wasn’t communicated properly. I didn’t intend to disrupt gameplay, and I hope this context can help clarify why things happened the way they did.

I’ve also taken the time to review the server rules in detail to ensure I fully understand them moving forward, and I’m committed to improving my roleplay to be more in line with server expectations. I would be grateful for a second chance to prove that I can be a responsible and respectful player.
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Dear Fayye,,

Thank you for reaching out and submitting an appeal regarding your ban. After thoroughly reviewing your case, we regret to inform you that your appeal has been denied. Unfortunately, due to certain unknown circumstances, we are unable to lift the ban at this time.

We understand this may be frustrating, and while we strive for transparency, in this particular instance, we are unable to provide further details. Please note that our decisions are made in line with our community guidelines and after careful consideration.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Should new information arise, you are welcome to reach out again, but as of now, this decision is final.

Thank you for being a part of our community.

Lucius Husky

dont use AI
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