Ban Apology ([-Core-] Daan)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @[-Core-] Daan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Nyarlatoteph
Your Roleplay Name: dragan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96309731

Why were you punished?: for gun point

Why should this appeal be considered?: 1- First i wanna apology and if is possible use the option that the admin say its give up the money and the items.
2-I got too much ping 240, thats why i putted out the gun i got delay in my game
3-Well i didnt disconnected my game crashed cuz my internet is not the best as i said i got too much ping thats why i disconnected before report end, and when i tried to log in i was banned so no chance
4-well i accepted to be banned for this and i just changed my mind if there is way for apologize and appeal the ban or a reduction, it suposed to be an option, so i hope it still possible give up the stuff
5- and well maybe for the admin just 20k and few items are nothing but for a new player clearly i dont have anything so yeah its not like im rich or something in game i dont even have a car.

Additional Information: The situation is this as the admin said i was getting in my house and by surprice the staff member assaulted me by the back with a pistol and when i closed the door he get in middle of the door half open, thats why i didnt saw he was inside the house , when i putted out the gun, that was the accident also i wouldnt have done it if he inside the house, i know i got mugged the thing is my ping that was all, just a delay i didnt noted he was already inside
, well i wanna add im sorry for my actitude i just have been stressed and having a bad day is my fault to react like this so well just getting banned make me think about what i did, if there still a chance for fix the things , i dont really wanna stop playing here i got good moments playing sometimes this server makes the people angry too whatever im sorry, i really like this community sometimes it make me angry sometimes it make me laugh a lot and have fun i hope accept my apologize
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You chose this ban instead of giving up the items, you also disconnected with the report open not giving me a chance to reply.
The ban was only just issued, wait a part of it out.
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