Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @d (its the name that shows up when i join the server)
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Ernst
Your Roleplay Name: Shichika Dinkleburg think i spelled it right
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:120994558

Why were you punished?: For Hacks ex: walls,aimbot

Why should this appeal be considered?: This appeal I hope can be considered because this was a year ago and a lot of stuff has happened even after my other appeal on the 31'st of December I cant even summarize it in a short sentence. One main point I brought up in my last appeal was that how much I changed/grown as a person, Which is true and even more after that appeal. I matured a lot based on certain events that happened in my lifer within 3 months of time, what happened where 2 main things. The first main turning point was a job promotion, this changed me because it shown me how much I was able to change how I act talked and handled such situations where if I were me from last year or two I would of been so immature and possibly fired, but that didn't happen I was able to show proper growth and change as a person. 2nd event was about a month ago when my father passed. This was definitely a wake up call to change even more and start my life on a fast path of success and complete change, now I'm a Christian because of that. Before i was negligent and thought it was a silly joke like the easter bunny or Santa Claus, but I instead studied more and made my information about the bible/Christianity more broad and I basically "woke up". All I'm saying is that the me when i played this server was a totally immature, selfish and just made really irrational choices like when you guys asked for my demos and saw how I was cheating and my response was if I recall correctly was "Nuh Uh" and tried to shoot the admin(s).
I just hope one day no matter how many apology appeals I have to type out that I can get the forgiveness of the higher ups, because I'm mostly writing this because for my two little brothers who played with me. They really liked this server and was it there first dark rp server, after I was banned they couldnt go on because of ip ban so they tried other servers but diddnt like the feel of the other servers IG because of it not being serious rp and was to used to the mechanics and custom stuff that perp has so thye quit gmod.
So in all I hope to get a second chance because I'm not the same stupid person I used to be.

Additional Information: if there is something like me needing to join a vc to talk to the higher ups to talk about my unban appeal I would really like to, im very serious in trying to be unbanned. rernsttt is my discord p sure im banned in the discord same day as the game ban ig they banned me in the discord when i was banned in the server
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